39 Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City, Metro Manila

For inquiries, please call us at the numbers below, or send us a message through the contact form.

Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 6:30PM | Saturday, 8:00AM
Trunkline: (02) 713 0097 | (02) 522 4542 | (02) 522 4538

  • loc 101 – Marketing Office
  • loc 103 – Human Resource Development and Management Office
  • loc 104 – Office of the Registrar | Telefax: (02) 521 1913
  • loc 106 – Shipboard Training Office
  • loc 107 – Finance Department
  • loc 108 – Commissary
  • loc 109 – General Education
  • loc 110 – Maritime Education
  • loc 112 – Office of Student Development and Empowerment
  • loc 113 – Library
  • loc 114 – Clinic
  • loc 115 – Guidance Office
  • loc 116 – Assets Management and Development